For us baseball ended not long after school let out, but softball didn't end until June 20th. We had playoffs and a fundraiser tournament for Krymson Feazell. She is a middle school girl from our area that got Lyme's Disease. The doctors didn't catch in time and she as been very sick for a couple of years. We were able to raise a good bit of money to help the family out with medical expenses, although I'm sure it just a drop in the bucket.

June 5th was Tanner's birthday. He turned "9" and that is just crazy. He had a simple skateboard party at the house with just a few of his closest friends. This birthday was very enjoyable because we didn't end up with a lot of toys. He got money to buy a Nintendo DS, golf lessons (which he loves. He is such a sports nerd), and a deep sea fishing trip that we are taking this weekend with Daddy.

My summer fun ended on June 20th. I came home from the Krymson Feazell Tournament with a 102.7 fever and it lasted all weekend. I went to the Dr. on Monday and they gave me a shot and antibiotics. By that Wednesday I was still running a fever and went back to the Dr. and he said that it must be viral since the antibiotics weren't working. By Friday I was still running a fever and could barely move. Jonathan had enough and took me to the emergency room. They ran some test and said that it was bronchitis and gave me another shot and more antibiotics. The next week I felt better, but still not good. I felt good enough to to go to work and to watch the 4th of July fireworks. Monday I decided to work late and try to catch up from being out sick the week before. By the time I got home I felt like CRAP!!! I decided to take my temp and it was up the 103 when I went to bed. I thought that was weird since I was still on antibiotics. I didn't sleep at all that night. The next morning I got up and went to work. All I could do was lay my head on my desk. I also had Taylor with me because I was supposed to take her to the Dr. that afternoon. After a few hours of misery my boss sent me home. I decided to go on to the Dr. and just make sure that everything was okay. The nurses started jumping. They couldn't find my blood pressure and when they did find it, it was like 71/54. They did a chest x-ray and said that I had pneumonia. I spent the next 6 days in the hospital and the next week on bed rest. It was double pneumonia and they said that it was viral which is why the antibiotics didn't work. Anyone who knows me knows that I am never sick so this was a new experience for me. I am now feeling much better!!!
Now I am focused on getting everything done that I was hoping to do between baseball and football seasons. I have sewed curtains, finished a flower bed, cleaned out rooms and closets. Now I am pressed for time with school starting in two and a half weeks.
The kids have had a fun summer. They spend time with grandparents and friends while Jonathan and I are at work. They are both excited about starting school. Taylor is especially excited since she gets to go up to the middle school this year. She is so elated to get a locker! Taylor will be in the 5th grade and Tanner will be the 3rd grade. I am also looking forward to school and the comfort of a schedule.
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