If you have spent time with my family you know that we love to laugh. God must have understood our love for laughter when he gave us Tanner. Both of our children are funny, but Tanner is known for his sayings. We call this "Classic Tanner". Here are just a few from this past week. My family loves to watch American Idol. This year there is a certain artist who is known to be gay. This is a confusing topic for Tanner right now. It is sad to me that he has to know what that is, but these days it cannot be kept quiet. Anyway, while this guy was singing his slow ballad and staring into the audience Tanner spoke up and said "I bet he is looking at that guy out there and thinking ' Mmmm, he looks like he taste good. I think I want to kiss him.'" I could not contain my laughter. Tanner thinks that guy who wants to marry a guy is crazy and that is just fine with me. On Sunday, we were enjoying the sunny afternoon when Tanner proudly announced to me and my friend Cassie that he could speak 2 words in Deaf! He proceed to show us how to say "great" in deaf and "awesome in deaf. As I said before this is "Classic Tanner" as is the outfit that he is wearing in this picture. He is "catching" this fish pillow.