It feel like so much has happened since my last post, but really it is more like a lot of the same stuff over and over. I wake up, get the kids on the bus, go to work, usually stop at the store on the way home, get the kids ready for whatever practice that we have, worry about dinner, make sure that everyone has what they need for the next day and then collapse on the couch at 8:00 and Jonathan and I usually fall asleep trying to catch up on all of the TV that is on our DVR. This is the life of a mother. If you don't believe me, just ask any other mother and you will hear the same story.
But anyway, we stayed busy through the fall with football and cheerleading. I was fortunate enough for Taylor to be cheering for Tanner's team this year. I will not be so lucky for the next few years. I had the pleasure of coaching the cheer squad. I was so intimidated by the thought of 19 girls ages 9 to 11. I was intimidated at the thought of 19 mothers that probably knew more about what was going on than I did. But I was bless with wonderful girls and wonderful parents.

This has been a great school year for both Taylor and Tanner. They have both had straight A's for the whole year.
Taylor made the Jr. Beta club, which means that she had a 90 or higher average for the previous school year. Her school now has over half of its students in the Jr. Beta Club. We LOVE our school system. This is us at her induction ceremony.

Taylor also get escorted for homecoming by her "boyfriend". During this process I learned that "boyfriend" is a title only. They do not talk to each other and from the pictures you can tell that they NEVER touch each other. And that is the way that it should be.

She also had her first school dance this year. It is 5th and 6th grade only and the teachers make it fun and casual. She had so much fun. Her boyfriend couldn't go because he got sick. He was so worried about Taylor that he called his best friend and told him to tell her that he couldn't make it. I thought that was so sweet. Most guys wouldn't be thinking about anything other that how crappy they feel. Although I can't say that I was disappointed that he couldn't make it. It was just one less thing for me to worry about. This is her before she left to go to the dance.

Taylor also got 2nd place in the 4H photo contest for her school and 1st place in the cooking challenge. Since she got 1st place she will go on the County. She is also class president for 4H. She was so happy.
Tanner loves his teacher this year. She has him so excited about learning and reading. He made the school spelling bee this year. This for 3rd and 4th grade which is around 250 students. Each class does their own spelling bee and the top 25 go on to the school bee. Tanner came in 4th place and was the only 3rd grader left. He still cried and was disappointed that he didn't win. I worried about him being at school all day, so sad. When he got off the bus he said "This was the best day, coming in 4th in the spelling bee made me famous. Everybody knows who I am." Gotta love his humble attitude. I wish that I could post a picture from the spelling bee, but they are on our laptop and it crashed. So sad.
As for Jonathan, he is a happy camper. He shot his first buck on Sunday morning. This was a 11 year goal finally accomplished. Needless to say he feels on top of the world.
Well, back to my schedule. Time to go the store so I can worry about dinner.
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But anyway, we stayed busy through the fall with football and cheerleading. I was fortunate enough for Taylor to be cheering for Tanner's team this year. I will not be so lucky for the next few years. I had the pleasure of coaching the cheer squad. I was so intimidated by the thought of 19 girls ages 9 to 11. I was intimidated at the thought of 19 mothers that probably knew more about what was going on than I did. But I was bless with wonderful girls and wonderful parents.

This has been a great school year for both Taylor and Tanner. They have both had straight A's for the whole year.
Taylor made the Jr. Beta club, which means that she had a 90 or higher average for the previous school year. Her school now has over half of its students in the Jr. Beta Club. We LOVE our school system. This is us at her induction ceremony.

Taylor also get escorted for homecoming by her "boyfriend". During this process I learned that "boyfriend" is a title only. They do not talk to each other and from the pictures you can tell that they NEVER touch each other. And that is the way that it should be.

She also had her first school dance this year. It is 5th and 6th grade only and the teachers make it fun and casual. She had so much fun. Her boyfriend couldn't go because he got sick. He was so worried about Taylor that he called his best friend and told him to tell her that he couldn't make it. I thought that was so sweet. Most guys wouldn't be thinking about anything other that how crappy they feel. Although I can't say that I was disappointed that he couldn't make it. It was just one less thing for me to worry about. This is her before she left to go to the dance.

Taylor also got 2nd place in the 4H photo contest for her school and 1st place in the cooking challenge. Since she got 1st place she will go on the County. She is also class president for 4H. She was so happy.
Tanner loves his teacher this year. She has him so excited about learning and reading. He made the school spelling bee this year. This for 3rd and 4th grade which is around 250 students. Each class does their own spelling bee and the top 25 go on to the school bee. Tanner came in 4th place and was the only 3rd grader left. He still cried and was disappointed that he didn't win. I worried about him being at school all day, so sad. When he got off the bus he said "This was the best day, coming in 4th in the spelling bee made me famous. Everybody knows who I am." Gotta love his humble attitude. I wish that I could post a picture from the spelling bee, but they are on our laptop and it crashed. So sad.
As for Jonathan, he is a happy camper. He shot his first buck on Sunday morning. This was a 11 year goal finally accomplished. Needless to say he feels on top of the world.
Well, back to my schedule. Time to go the store so I can worry about dinner.